- You can say "Ma" "Da" "Na" and repeat them all. You are starting to say "R" sounds and "P" sounds.
- You know who MaMa and DaDa are and you call out for us...MaMaDaDa and NaMa is what you say the most in reference to us!
- You are loving to eat! You really enjoy grilled cheese, banana pancakes and spaghetti!
- You can tell that you are loving to eat! You are finally filling out and gaining weight and have a few rolls and creases, and I love them!
- You are Cooper are becoming great friends! You throw the ball and he gets it, then you crawl after him and the cycle repeats! You are throwing with your left hand by the way!
- Swimming has become a favorite pastime of yours, and mommy likes it too because it really makes you nap great! You have a raft, but would rather we play with you in our arms and make you "jump" off the edge.
- You like to be upside down and "dropped". I think you are going to be a daredevil!
- You laugh after you or anyone else burps! Typical boy! Wait till you realize you are tooting!
- You have discovered the dog's water dish and food! You would be happy playing in his water dish all day if I let you! You got very angry when I fished the piece of dog food out of your mouth, ha!
- You are off of your tube for 10 hours a day and counting!!!!!!! I have you unhooked from 10am to 8 pm!!!!! You are at about 140mls in your bottles, which is almost 5 ounces!!!!! You are doing amazing Jack!!!!!!
- Your nine month clothes are snug, but you still fit. Twelve month fits you much better, but some things are still SO big on you.
- You can wave now, you easily give kisses and sometimes do it without being asked. You crawl really, really fast when we say "I'm gonna get ya". You can clap when we say "Yea".
- You are still taking two naps, but they are both getting shorter. And you are a wonderful night time sleeper.
- We have found you a daycare where I think you will be very happy at! I am preparing you, I mean me, for the big change. But, I am relishing every day that I have with you and spending time with you is my number one priority of each day!
- You have become really into your "Touch and Feel" books.
- You went through a short phase of being a wiggle monster at diaper change time! Daddy and I had to tag team you! It was awful! I'm more than happy that was short lived!
- My days of rocking you to sleep are few and far between. You have a bottle and then I just put you down or you would climb right out of my arms! But I cherish the times when you fall asleep in my arms!
- You still love when I sing you songs, especially action songs like "Wheels on the Bus" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". I'm starting to make you do the actions now!
- You like anything that makes noise and will hit toys together to make noise. You like things that "shake" too.
- You still only have your two bottom teeth, but I think something is going to pop through any day because you are drooling mad crazy!
- You LOVE remotes, telephones, cell phones, anything with buttons! You are so curious with them and turn them over and inspect every inch of them! Daddy thinks you are going to be some kind of engineer when you grown up.
- You are such a busy body these days crawling and climbing everywhere! You cruise along the furniture and pull yourself up onto everything in sight, even the walls! You are letting go of these objects more and more, and can stand for a few seconds alone, soon you will be walking little one!
- You are a jabber mouth and talk up a storm, especially in the mornings!
- You have the most amazing giggle and daddy and I will do anything to hear it!
- You are super ticklish everywhere, but especially under your chin and your sides!
- You love to go to the store and ride in the cart.
Our first mommy and me "date" at Culver's in Peoria after a doctor's appointment! You ate a huge half of a grilled cheese, applesauce and some fries. I had your ice cream, thank you!
Enjoying many popsicles this summer!
This is your calendar month for the Children's Hospital of Illinois! You were about 7 weeks old when they took this picture. I remember that day...you pulled your NG tube out and I said to hurry up and take pictures while you didn't have anything on your face! I also remember making a special shopping trip for your outfit! Oh how I miss those sweet, little baby cuddles!
New favorite toy...
Enjoying squishing some spaghetti!
You shovel it in by the fistfull!
Really enjoying the pool now that it's finally nice and hot out!
You are always standing in your crib now and super happy when you wake up from naps!
Enjoying mommy's homemade red, white and blue popsicles!
I think you like them! I hope you like some of the other baby recipes that I have recently made for you!
I am now battling tiny handprints and dog slobber on my sliding door...kid and dog have won the battle, I submit to defeat!
I still just can not believe that you are one year old! You have come such a long way in so many ways. I hope you keep surpassing everyone's expectations. You really can do anything, and don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't! Never give up anything you set out to do. We all face challenges in our lives, but really, they are just small hurdles between the good things. You are quite an amazing little boy and an inspiration to so many. I think that I can say that your are daddy's and my Hero! Believe it or not, I love you more, and more, and more each and every day! You are amazing and I am so very proud to be your "NaMa"! How wonderful life is with you in the world! XOXO Mommy
Vacation, One Year Photo Shoot, and Your Special Day yet to come...