
Monday, June 6, 2011

What We've Been Up To

Blogging is getting harder and harder since it's been nice and warm out and some three day weekends have hit. But we have been very busy around here and I like that.

Memorial day weekend was filled with lots of work around the house and lots of cooking out. We opened the pool and have been working very hard on getting it swimmable. Last year we closed it with tons of leaves in the bottom and are now paying the price for doing so. Pool opening is taking a lot longer than it normally should because of all the gunk at the bottom. It is very depressing to have a nice big pool of cold water right in your very own back yard and not being able to use it on the hottest days of the year. So, I am hoping for a nice hot summer to be able to catch up from last summer.

But we did manage to have a couple of great cookouts with our neighbors and some seriously delicious food. Jack even enjoyed some homemade fried rice that our neighbors made and Matt got the recipe.

Doctors appointment have been very frequent these past couple of weeks because Jack is being weaned off of his g-tube. This is a good thing, but I am tired of driving. He is now off of his tube for seven whole hours at a time and it is pretty amazing! We go to the doctor this week and if his weight gain is good, he will be given an additional two hours...I have my fingers crossed, but am trying not to get my hoped up too high.

I have also been on the phone talking with many different daycare providers. I found two ladies that sound great and am so excited to check them out. One is in Sandwich, another here on the South Side. But they both want to see what Jack's all about before they commit to him. I am praying that one will work out for us.

Matt took a three day weekend this past weekend to celebrate our five year anniversary! We worked on the pool, spent lots of time watching Jack crawl, had some lazy time, and cooked some really yummy food. My parents watched Jack while we went to the wine festival down town and out to dinner. We really had a fabulous weekend, it was a great way to celebrate our five years together! Matt, thank you for putting up with me for the last five years...well it's really been way longer than that...but I know it has not always been easy. You are an amazing husband, pool boy, car washer, chef, daddy, beer drinking partner, and most of all my very best friend. We may not be able to stay awake to watch a movie, but we can talk about how lame we are the next morning. I love you so very much and am so glad to have you to walk down this road of life together, no matter how bumpy it may get at times.

So that pretty much sums it up for now. Hopefully I will soon have tales to tell of Jack's first time in our pool and some impromptu pool parties. Soak up that summer sun everyone!

Jack trying on his new mini backpack on a very rainy Memorial Day weekend.

Ready to go for a ride with Grampa Wolfie in his fast, red car!

Playing in the yard while mommy and daddy get lots of work done. What a good baby.

Look who I caught standing while I was getting ready one morning!

Those are two happy boys!

Jack's new hair-do...and look how cute those tiny flip-flops are! We tried the splash pad, but he didn't really enjoy it all that much.

Squeaky clean after a bath!

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