
Monday, November 28, 2011

Itsy Bitsy 16 Months

I have to share this sweet little video. Jack is really into boxes and laundry baskets right now. He also LOVES to drag around anything with a cord...blow dryer, curling iron, computer charger, etc. He is mimicking sounds and says a real word every once and a while like "hello" and "cracker". I love that after singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Pat-a-Cake" over a thousand times, he is finally starting to do the hand motions!

So here's a few more tid bits about little 16 month old you...
  • You are starting to throw slight temper tantrums when you can't have something that you want.
  • I am finding things in weird places, like a lid to a pan under the couch and toys in kitchen cupboards!
  • You like to drink out of a cup, but it dribbles all down your chin! You kind of slurp it, it's pretty funny! And when you drink out of your sippy you say "Aaaaahhhhh" after a drink!
  • You are still a pretty good eater, but are becoming more picky and I can't get you to eat a veggie anymore! You have a sweet tooth and love fruit, especially bananas!
  • You are blowing kisses and waving goodbye all the time, even if we just run to the garage real quick.
  • You are starting to run a little and love to dance, but you like it when we hold you in our arms and you grab our hand to dance.
  • I just noticed that you can point to your nose, eyes and ears! We have a great sitter because daddy and I did not teach you that!
  • You are loving Grandpa Wolf these days and will run right up to hem to be held when we see him!
  • You are so sweet when we get home from the day and are anxious to see daddy! You run to him with smiles and giggles and I think it makes for a good end to a long days work!
  • You are on your tube feeds for only four hours a night - we are pretty excited, but we hook you up at 10:30 and unhook you at 2:30, so it becomes a little tiresome! Your doctor is pretty impressed with your progress. 
  • You weighed it at 22lbs 12oz last week and I'm getting out 18month clothes!
  • You love to run around naked before bath time and sometimes you escape from us during diaper changes and you think it's hysterical - I love a giggling, naked baby running through the house!
  • You NEVER stop moving, EVER! You are constantly on the go discovering new things and getting into everything that you are not supposed to be into! The Christmas tree should be interesting!
  • Ice cream is a very special treat that you love!
  • We took you to your first trip to Bianchi's, and Ottawa tradition, and you waited very patiently for almost an hour for pizza!
 Checking out the pumpkin Mommy carved for Jack!
Spooky "Jack" themed pumpkins.
     I really got into Halloween this year. Last year, it was our goal to be home from the hospital by Halloween. Jack came home on October 28th, 2010, so this is a really special time of year for us. i decorated and made some decorations and a homemade costume of course! We started a night light collection for Jack, a spooky skeleton, and we got him a toy doctor kit for his special "One Year Home" celebration! Truly a very special time of year for us - lots of good, scary and nervous feelings!
 Kind of happy for a second...
 It was the hat that he did not enjoy...trying to make it all better with a sucker...
But as you can see, it didn't work! But I swear, he was a very happy trick-or-treater and loved walking up the sidewalks holding our hands for only a second. He carefully chose a piece of candy out of the neighbors candy bowls and put it in his little pumpkin.
Last year's Halloween! Our little Jack-O-Lantern!

You sure do keep us on our toes these days! Our house is full of laughter and love and a very tired mommy and daddy! But we love you to the moon and back all over again and will do whatever we need to for you, not only now, but for the rest of our loves son! You are an amazing little boy with an amazing spirit! I know I say this every month, but we do love you more, and more, and more each and every day! Life truly keeps getting better! All my love - Mommy

PS Remind me that I need to take more pictures! I don't know what has gotten into me lately! But I do have lots of pictures on my phone...just need to get them onto the computer!

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    15...and 1/2 Months

    Life has been busy and I have been exhausted, but hey late is better than never! I really need to write this months update because so much has happened, most importantly, WALKING!!!!! Yes out little man is walking everywhere these days. My how life has changed! So here's how that started and a little more about you at 15 months!
    • You are off and walking! Holy cow, I can't believe it! It started with a few steps here and there, and now you are full fledged walking and you love it!
    • You are so good at playing. You play so good all by yourself and really love to sit and look at your books.
    • You are into everything that is not a toy. Opening all of the cupboards and emptying them is your favorite past time. It makes cooking dinner twice as long.
    • You are getting so big! You weigh it at bout 22 pounds and 30 inches. We were just remembering when we could hold you on our chest under out chin and your butt hit our belly button. 
    • You blow kisses and wave to everyone
    • Your red hair still makes all the old ladies at the grocery store stop dead in their tracks!
    • You can now say Hi, mama, doggie, I think you say Aggie for our neighbor, and Daddy is your FAVORITE word!
    • You love music and are into the Laurie Berkner Band. I turn it on in the car when you are fussy and it calms you right down!
    • You have been watching a little more TV these days and will sit and watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba.
    • You are on your tube feedings for only five hours a night! Woo hoo Jack, keep up the awesome work! Doctor says we will try no tube feeding after the holidays! I can't even imagine how life would be!
    • Speaking of the tube, you pulled it out at the sitters house with the balloon inflated! This resulted in an emergency trip to Peoria on a school day. Just more time to spend with you and a pit stop at the park on a lovely fall day!
    • I always try to make our doctor's visits special. Last one, we went to the Discovery Museum in Normal, it was awesome and you truly loved it!
    • You love to be outside and will cry when it's time to come in or when we can't go out. 
    • You are still an amazing napper taking two 1 1/2 hour naps during the week. You sleep in on the weekends and are usually doing one nap on the weekends.
    • You have adjusted beautifully to day care...but I'm still working on it!
    • You're sleeping thought the night pretty well, except when it comes to teething and having a bit of a cold.
    • You are one happy boy all of the time! We are blessed!
    • You are a huge fan of spaghetti and pizza! Some of your other favorite foods are pancakes, bananas, cheese, and chicken nuggets with ranch!
    • We have recently bought a hiking backpack and have started to take you hiking. Wow, 22 pounds can get heavy real fast! But you enjoy the ride and fall asleep.
    • You love to peek thought things...doors, the crib slats, the spindles in the deck, windows. 
    • You have been obsessed with cords lately. Especially my hair dryer and such! Great way to keep you busy when I need to get ready in the morning!
    At the NICU walk. This is your friend who was born weighing 2 pounds! We got to see all of your other NICU friends as well. We are happy to report that everyone is happy and healthy!
    Team "Jack's Journey" raised $1,300 for our favorite NICU! We are so grateful to our friends, family and co-workers!
    Checking out fish bigger than you at Bass Pro Shop
    Playing in the leaves. You did NOT like being buried in them
    Another new obsession, the French doors!
    A family hike before the new carrier! We are loving this fall!
    Daddy and Jack in Bears gear. Daddy is being silly!

    I had to convince Matt that this was a good purchase, so I felt that I had to be the first to carry you! It was pretty comfy, but I was feeling it the next day!
    Daddy's turn, and you're out!
    "Practicing" trick-or-treating!
    Our special day at the children's museum...
    There was NO ONE there! You had the run of the place! You loved all the buttons and levers on the tractor and kept going back for more.
    But this is the best picture ever! There was a bridge that you went over a hundred times, then you would peek through the glass and giggle at me! It was too funny and you made the best piggy faces in that glass at me!
     These 15 1/2 months have been absolutely amazing! It really does just keep getting better and better. Your laugh and smile still continue to light up rooms. You are the happiest baby ever and aways smiling! Somedays I am sad that you are not a little baby anymore, but you do have your sweet, cuddly moments. I enjoy every second being your mommy Jack! I am so proud of all of your accomplishments both big and small. I can tell, you are here to conquer the world, and you are going to have fun doing it! Daddy and I couldn't be happier to be at your side watching you do it! Life is changing so very fast, but we always make sure to take the time to slow down and enjoy all you have to offer. Love you to the moon and back little man...and then again and again! XOXO Mommy

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    September Brings Many Things...and 14 Months

    September brings many days that are important to me. Days that are celebrated because of all of the obstacles we have faced in the past. September 13th was Jack's due date, the day he was supposed to come. I can't let this day come and go with out pausing, and somehow celebrating this day. So we took Jack for some "due date" ice cream to recognize this special day...and of course he loved it and was devastated when I took the cone away!
    "Due Date" Ice Cream. When I asked you for a bite, you gave me a kiss!
    September 15 was when Jack had the surgery to reverse his ostomy. I don't think Matt and I will ever forget that day. We were at the hospital very early that morning and snuggled and loved our baby like crazy. I read him "I'll Love You Forever" and painfully waited for Jack's turn to come. We were able to go with him all the way to the surgery floor and waited to speak with the doctors and nurses before he went into surgery. Handing your baby over to someone else to take them into surgery is a very painful thing. But we knew that this was a "good" surgery. So at about two months old, Jack was having surgery to reverse his ostomy, have a g-tube placed and do whatever else they had to do to his intestines to make them work as normally as possible. Matt and I painfully waited in the waiting room for over three hours to hear from the Surgeon. Finally, the Surgeon came and got us and he told us that the surgery was a very difficult one. More intestine had to be removed in both his large and small intestine and there were some other intestinal issues that made the surgery difficult, but all in all, things went well. We rushed to see our little Jack back in his room and I don't think either one of us were prepared. He was not on a ventilator, which was a good thing, but we had to hear our little baby cry out in pain. Oh my, was he in so much pain! It was absolutely dreadful to watch him, he was miserable. Again, there was no holding, the only thing we could do was talk to him to comfort him. The nurses and I worked together to get him as comfortable as we could. Matt had to leave to go back to work, but I stayed until I felt comfortable leaving, which was very late that night. Jack's wound was as wide as hid little baby tummy was and looked like Frankenstein. But, this was a good surgery, he needed this to come home. Day by day, things got slowly better and better. I think it's safe to say that Jack is our hero and always a source of strength whenever we need a little extra to get through the day. As September 15th rolled around this year, I couldn't stop the flashbacks, nor did we really do much "celebrating", but Matt and I acknowledged the day and, personally, as Jack ate supper that night, I just thanked the Lord that Jack had the ability to process food and absorb nutrients. Not many mommies thank the good Lord for that now do they!
    This time last year we would sneak into the conference room on Sunday afternoon to watch football and catch some rays!
    So baby Jack, on top of all that, you, my dear, are 14 months old! And here is all about you my love:
    • You finally got another tooth! Top left! The other top ones are following suite!
    • Daycare is going much more smoothly for all of us. I still wish more than anything in the world that I could be home with you, but I now live for the weekends.
    • Your red hair looks orange and is curly in the back. Very cute! We get stopped at least three times at the grocery store by people commenting on your red hair!
    • You are so very fun, laughing and giggling all night long until it's time to go to bed.
    • You can say MaMa, DaDa, Da-de, Dog-e, Yuck-e. When we repeat something over, and over, and over, you will say something like it. You are quite the chatter box though, especially in the morning.
    • You are still an amazing napper. Two, 1 1/2 hour naps a day. You go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 and I have to wake you up in the morning at 6:30 to get ready to go.
    • You have pulled yourself up to standing a few times in the middle of a room.
    • You took your first steps! Four of them at your Great Grandma and Grandpa Shinnick's house! Pretty amazing, but very bittersweet also.
    • We just met with the developmental docs and they scored you at 13 months! You are 14 months and 12 months adjusted, so we were pretty happy with that. Daddy and I beamed with pride as you did everything you were asked to do and then some.
    • We also just met with your GI doctor and got your tube feedings reduced from 9 to 8 hours and we will continue to wean as long as you gain weight! Although it's still a ways away, there is an end in sight little one!
    • You were 21 lbs 6 oz last checked and that puts you ON the charts in the 15%!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • You do not dig car rides lately and it is very frustrating to hear you scream your head off and not be able to do anything about it. I have become queen of the "Paci Reach-Around". 
    • You are on the go always! What a busy little boy you are and so very inquisitive and curious!

    • Daddy and I love to sit and watch you play by yourself and discover from afar. 
    • You like to sing songs and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is your new favorite/
    • I think you would live upside down if you could.
    • You mainly wear 12 month clothes now, but you have no butt and the pants fall down!
    • I already have your Halloween costume picked out, but I'm not telling yet! And, yes, I will be making it!
    • You still take most of your formula by bottle, but we are trying the sippy more and more. You do just fine with it, but I'm not ready for you to give up your bottle. And I'm not about to take away your paci, but you really only use it when you are sleeping and in the car.
    • You went to Chicago for your first time to visit Auntie and we went to Lincoln Park Zoo and you rode the carousel. You watched the animals, but did not like the carousel.  
    Loving the kitchen garage sale find!
    Getting and giving dog-e kisses!
    Happily willing to share his sucker after a doctor appointment!
    See, doctor's appointments aren't so bad after all!
    Catching a nap in between appointments.
    Taking a break to play at the hospital.
    Some of our wonderful NICU them!
    Yum, letters! I wonder if some taste better than others!
    Oh my little love, you bring so much joy to Daddy and I every single day! You continue to amaze us with everything you do. Despite this month being bittersweet, as you are growing into a little boy so very fast, it has been filled with so much happiness and even a little relief! Keep growing, but not too fast! And don't forget, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be...XOXO Mommy

    All these pictures are from my phone! My camera card is full and I insist on buying another one even though all my pictures are on the computer. But I have taken a TON of videos that I need to post, and I promise to get a new camera card for the weekend!

    Saturday, September 3, 2011

    Almost Walking...And Still Bear Crawling

    Yep, any day now! Hopefully it will be on a weekend so I can be there to see it! Maybe even this weekend! I'm just waiting...But it's coming soon!

    Just wanted to share how content he is to read books these days. Sorry it's a little long, but I didn't want to cut it. This went on forever! Notice it's an art book, thanks to some good teacher friends!

    Monday, August 29, 2011

    All Good Things...

    They say that all good things must come to an end. I have had the complete joy and pleasure of having the job of being Jack's mom since he was born. No, it was not the way that we had planned things, but I would not have traded it for the world. Some of this time was pretty rough, 3 1/2 months were spent in the NICU, then home health visits, countless trips to the doctor in Peoria, in home therapy appointments, sleepless nights, anxiety, worry, ect. However, I try to focus on the smiles, time we have had in the sunshine, mornings in our jammies playing with toys, naps on the couch, and many firsts and milestones. I truely am devestated that I really do have to go back to work. I have nievely been playing the lotto here and ther hoping, praying for a miracle that I would be able to stay home with you and just be your mom, but that is not the case. And for the days that you miss me, I am sorry, but I am working because I love you!

    This is the second full week of school and you are doing amazing well at daycare. You do not cry, you nap wonderfully and eat all of your breakfast, snack and bottles. You are a pleasure to be around and are getting along very well with the other little baby and I can tell you are learning so much from her. Your sitter cares about you so very much and keeps you very busy and active throughout the day. She gives you fresh air, sunshine, new experiences and a whole lot of lovin! I feel 100% comfortable with you there, but can not get over that fact that I want to be the one taking you for morning walks and blowing bubbles in the front yard. I desperately want to be with you during the day and it is killing me that I can't be. I have had a pretty rough adjustment period filled with lots of tears. I thought the tears were over, but today Jack whined/cried a little when I left and I cried the whole way to school.

    So, I am just trudging along and am going to make the best of this situation that has been put in front of me. I am so very thankful that I have a job. I work for a wonderul school district filled with the most amazing and supportitive co-workers. I guess I just need to get into a groove, into a routine. I am finding evenings dificult and everything seems to be so rushed.

    I would also like to not think of this as the end, but as a new chapter. After all, I am no where close to being done at the job of being a mom. Things are just different now. I can't wait for the upcoming three day weekend and am especially looking forward to our more extended holidays. This is a big adjustment for the both of us, and it's just going to take some time to figure everything out.

    Well off to bed for that early morning, after I pack breakfast and lunch!

    13 Months and Then Some

    Yep, here we are, 13 whole months old, plus a few weeks. I have been one bad mommy blogger theses days! I was concentrating on soaking up the end of summer and every second that I could with you, and now our days have become very hectic with work for me and day care for you! Here's a little bit about you at 13 months...
    Sucking on a little sweet corn!

    You are looking like such a little boy!

     Splash pad fun!

     A little summer watermelon! Yum!

     Catching your first parade...the Sweet Corn Festival! You did so good and were not even 
    scared by the sirens, or clowns!

     One of Mommy's crazy ideas put into action. You tried to eat the chalk.

    Your very special way of bear crawling!
    • You were 20 lbs on August 11th at your 1 year check up!
    • You only use your tube for nine hours, and only at night!
    • You are walking behind a push toy and are spending more time letting go of things when you are standing.
    • You are still taking two naps, about 1 1/2 hours each. I love that!
    • You are a really good eater, eating two meals a day and a snack. You love cheese, spaghetti, peas, and are not a picky eater at all! I have some leftover homemade baby food that I will not let go to waste, but other than that, you are eating a lot of what we do! I have also given into some pre-made toddler meals to add some fat and calories to you diet. 
    • You love popsicles! You also love ice cream and will yell in between licks! It's a special treat to go get a cone and we always share.
    • We have spent the summer swimming and I recently took you to a splash pad and you loved it. 
    • You are splashing all of the water out of the water table and still love baths like crazy!
    • You are discovering that you can use your toys like they were meant to be used and will take all of your toys and books out at once. 
    • You are very into opening and closing doors, cupboards and drawers. You also like to take everything out of the drawers and cupboards. 
    • You are really starting to say things that I can understand. You say "MaMaMaMa..." and "DaDaDaDaDa..." over, and over, and over again.
    • You say something that sounds like "No No", "Uh Oh", "Doggie", and "Hi".
    • You mimic us when we cough or burp, very cute!
    • You wave to everyone at the store, weather we are going bye-bye or not! You really know how to make those old ladies smile! 
    • You are so good when we go out to eat and wonderful in your stroller, however, you are not digging car rides right now.
    • You squeal and get so excited when you see your neighbor buddy!
    • Your other neighbor buddy has been your first "real" non-relative babysitter, but it's only been for very short periods of time.
    • You bear crawl everywhere and you go fast! Your knees hardly every touch the ground, it's pretty hysterical!
    • Your favorite songs are "Wheels on the Bus" and "Skidamirink". You laugh and smile and are starting to clap along to songs we sing together.
    • You are content to read books together, especially before bed. 
    • You take your bottle and want to go right into your crib, no more rocking you to sleep or cuddeling. It is so sad to me and has resulted in some mommy tears, but I'm hoping it's just a phase.
    • You are wearing mostly 12 month clothes, but you have suck a skinny waist! I think you are going to be a long, skinny string bean boy!
    • You still only have your two bottom teeth. Your upper ones are going to pop through ANY day, I can feel them, they are right there!
    • You spent your first night in a hotel and Auntie Lib babysat you and hooked you up. She is the only other one that had ever hooked you up since you came home from the hospital!
    • I am not ready to let you go and start work and day care, but since I know this is what we have to do, I am ready to get on with it and start out new routine.
    I truly love you more and more each and every day. You are such and easy baby boy to love. Your smile still brightenes the lives of those around you, and strangers as well. You giggle is amazing and I love it when you show affection to your daddy and I. You are giggly, bubbly, smiley, fun, and so full of life and energy.I am so proud to be your mommy, it is the best job I have EVER had! XOXO Mommy XOXO

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    You Are One

    Wow! Really, where does the time go! Really when people tell you to enjoy it while they are little because they grow fast, they are not lying to you! And yes, little Jack is quickly becoming big Jack! He is now 18 lbs 15 ounces, just shy of the 5% for weight for 1 year olds! So, here is a little bit more about one year old you...

    • You can say "Ma" "Da" "Na" and repeat them all. You are starting to say "R" sounds and "P" sounds. 
    • You know who MaMa and DaDa are and you call out for us...MaMaDaDa and NaMa is what you say the most in reference to us!
    • You are loving to eat! You really enjoy grilled cheese, banana pancakes and spaghetti!
    • You can tell that you are loving to eat! You are finally filling out and gaining weight and have a few rolls and creases, and I love them!
    • You are Cooper are becoming great friends! You throw the ball and he gets it, then you crawl after him and the cycle repeats! You are throwing with your left hand by the way!
    • Swimming has become a favorite pastime of yours, and mommy likes it too because it really makes you nap great! You have a raft, but would rather we play with you in our arms and make you "jump" off the edge.
    • You like to be upside down and "dropped". I think you are going to be a daredevil!
    • You laugh after you or anyone else burps! Typical boy! Wait till you realize you are tooting!
    • You have discovered the dog's water dish and food! You would be happy playing in his water dish all day if I let you! You got very angry when I fished the piece of dog food out of your mouth, ha!
    • You are off of your tube for 10 hours a day and counting!!!!!!! I have you unhooked from 10am to 8 pm!!!!! You are at about 140mls in your bottles, which is almost 5 ounces!!!!! You are doing amazing Jack!!!!!!
    • Your nine month clothes are snug, but you still fit. Twelve month fits you much better, but some things are still SO big on you.
    • You can wave now, you easily give kisses and sometimes do it without being asked. You crawl really, really fast when we say "I'm gonna get ya". You can clap when we say "Yea". 
    • You are still taking two naps, but they are both getting shorter. And you are a wonderful night time sleeper. 
    • We have found you a daycare where I think you will be very happy at! I am preparing you, I mean me, for the big change. But, I am relishing every day that I have with you and spending time with you is my number one priority of each day!
    • You have become really into your "Touch and Feel" books. 
    • You went through a short phase of being a wiggle monster at diaper change time! Daddy and I had to tag team you! It was awful! I'm more than happy that was short lived!
    • My days of rocking you to sleep are few and far between. You have a bottle and then I just put you down or you would climb right out of my arms! But I cherish the times when you fall asleep in my arms!
    • You still love when I sing you songs, especially action songs like "Wheels on the Bus" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". I'm starting to make you do the actions now!
    • You like anything that makes noise and will hit toys together to make noise. You like things that "shake" too.
    • You still only have your two bottom teeth, but I think something is going to pop through any day because you are drooling mad crazy!
    • You LOVE remotes, telephones, cell phones, anything with buttons! You are so curious with them and turn them over and inspect every inch of them! Daddy thinks you are going to be some kind of engineer when you grown up.
    • You are such a busy body these days crawling and climbing everywhere! You cruise along the furniture and pull yourself up onto everything in sight, even the walls! You are letting go of these objects more and more, and can stand for a few seconds alone, soon you will be walking little one!
    • You are a jabber mouth and talk up a storm, especially in the mornings!
    • You have the most amazing giggle and daddy and I will do anything to hear it! 
    • You are super ticklish everywhere, but especially under your chin and your sides! 
    • You love to go to the store and ride in the cart. 
    Our first mommy and me "date" at Culver's in Peoria after a doctor's appointment! You ate a huge half of a grilled cheese, applesauce and some fries. I had your ice cream, thank you!

    Enjoying many popsicles this summer!

    This is your calendar month for the Children's Hospital of Illinois! You were about 7 weeks old when they took this picture. I remember that pulled your NG tube out and I said to hurry up and take pictures while you didn't have anything on your face! I also remember making a special shopping trip for  your outfit! Oh how I miss those sweet, little baby cuddles! 

    New favorite toy...

    Enjoying squishing some spaghetti!

    You shovel it in by the fistfull!

    Really enjoying the pool now that it's finally nice and hot out!

    You are always standing in your crib now and super happy when you wake up from naps!

    Enjoying mommy's homemade red, white and blue popsicles!

    I think you like them! I hope you like some of the other baby recipes that I have recently made for you!

    I am now battling tiny handprints and dog slobber on my sliding door...kid and dog have won the battle, I submit to defeat!

    I still just can not believe that you are one year old! You have come such a long way in so many ways. I hope you keep surpassing everyone's expectations. You really can do anything, and don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't! Never give up anything you set out to do. We all face challenges in our lives, but really, they are just small hurdles between the good things. You are quite an amazing little boy and an inspiration to so many. I think that I can say that your are daddy's and my Hero! Believe it or not, I love you more, and more, and more each and every day! You are amazing and I am so very proud to be your "NaMa"! How wonderful life is with you in the world! XOXO Mommy

    Vacation, One Year Photo Shoot, and Your Special Day yet to come...

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Little Boys

    It's good to see my little boy getting into little boy trouble!

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    Happy Monday

    Good morning and happy Monday! We have a super busy week coming up with doctors appointments, visits from friends, daycare interviews and packing for a much needed vacation. But before I begin mu to do list that is a mile is a video of a very active, babbling little boy in his jammies this morning!

    And he makes these noses when he crawls too so he sounds like he has a little motor!

    He melts my heart and always makes my day! I can't wait to be on vacation with him and our daddy where our only worry will be how to have fun with our baby boy! Wishing you all a happy Monday!

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    11 Month Old You

    Where does the time go? I can't believe that my little baby boy is 11 months old! Jack, you are doing new things every day and developing and growing by leaps and bounds, it's crazy!

    So, here is a little bit about 11 month old you...

    • You are a started crawling and have gotten better and better at.
    • You pull yourself up onto pretty much everything now.
    • It is hard to keep you contained anymore, you just want to go, go, go and do not want to be held much anymore.
    • You are still an awesome napper, with one nap in the morning and one in the afternoon.
    • I don't have to rock you to sleep, but I still do for a little bit because I like to snuggle you.
    • You LOVE bath time and you practically jump out of my arms when you see the tub.
    • You are walking while I hold both of your hands. I don't think you will be walking your own by your birthday, but shortly after that.
    • You are 18 lbs 2 oz and 28 inches long.
    • You are off of your tube for 8 hours a day! Go Jack! You will be done with that thing in no time!
    • You spent your 11 month birthday in the hospital. You got some kind of bug and needed IV fluids. You scared the crap out of your momma because you got so dehydrated so quickly. You are now recovering and I think almost back to normal after almost two weeks of feeling crappy.
    • You like to crawl after Cooper's tennis balls. Yes, he shares nicely with you and even lets you take them from him. He is so good with you, even when you are pulling out fist-fulls of his hair!
    • You absolutely love Goldfish crackers!
    • You are not a huge fan of the sippy cup, but I still keep offering it to you. If you see it at dinner it's all you want and won't eat.
    • You have two teeth! I thought you would never get teeth! You have your two bottom middle teeth and they suite you very well! You were a pretty good teether, just not napping during the day. And you love frozen bagels to help ease the pain.
    • You are into dropping your food off of your tray and watching the doggie scramble to gobble it up, even if it is one little Cherrio!
    • You are still not saying much. I desperately want to hear mamamama or dadadada or anything like that from you. But I know when you start you won't stop!
    • You are still so happy in the morning. I see your smiling face and can't be crabby at it! You are an awesome sleeper too going down about 7:30/8:00 and sleeping about 12 whole hours! If you cry you just want your paci and go right back to sleep.
    • You still want and love your paci. I have noticed you chewing on it though and am trying to give it to you only when you are tired. With the heat, it gives you a rash around your mouth.
    • You have perfected giving kisses, fives, and So Big!
    • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star will calm you right down when you are fussy.
    • You love touch and feel books now and are eating books less and turning the pages more.
    You are too much fun these days and on the go. I can't believe you are going to be one next month and that we are in the midst of planning your 1st Birthday Party! We have a lot coming up this next month and I am so looking forward to some new and exciting adventures with you and Daddy. I love you more than words can say and look forward to spending each and every day with you. I need to slow down and take more of you in and not worry so much about things to come. Keep smiling and giggling Jack are so loved by so many...especially your Mommy and Daddy! XOXO

    Hanging out with friends at the Splash Pad. You don't really like the Splash Pad, I think it's too cold for you, but we still managed to have a good time.

    Hanging with the boys! You love to sit with daddy like this.

    Soaking up a great visit with Auntie Libs!

    My baby is a Genius!

    Playing with friends...this cutie had the same due date as Jack did!

    You love to press the buttons. Mamma's, check out this site if you can't keep your babies hands off the computer:

    And loving the phone too!

    Standing rather confidently.

    First swim of the season! 

    Happy first Father's Day Daddy!

    Fun with bubbles in the tubby!