
Sunday, April 3, 2011

So Busy

We have been so busy lately! Let me sum it up for you...

It all started last Wednesday...We had a doctor's appointment in Bloomington and Jack and I met my Aunt for lunch. It was great to see her and catch up. I am hoping to see my cousins next time we are in town.

Thursday, we spent the afternoon at my parent's house then had swimming class in the evening. I love seeing my dad with Jack. I never remember him being like this when we were little! It makes me smile to see him be a big softy!
Reading the newspaper together.

Friday we went to visit at school. It was the talent show, which is one of may favorite days of the year! I was welcomed by all of the students and teachers! It was so, so good to see everyone. I miss the kids so much and it does feel really good to be missed by them. We had some pizza withe the teachers and everyone held and played with Jack.

Saturday we went to our friends brand new house in Granville! They built a new beautiful house and are expecting a new baby in June. It was so good to see them and our other friends that were visiting that day. Between the three families that were there there were four little ones, and one on the way. It was a noisy day, but Jack slept right through it when it was nap time!
Jack and one of his buddies.

Sunday we went to church. I love taking Jack to church. The people that sit behind us always seem to entertain Jack. For some reason, Jack always starts to talk at the quietest times of the mass. Usually he falls asleep, but not today! But no crying, just sucking away on his paci. We always get compliments on how well behaved he is in church and how cute he is! Then off to Babies R Us for the high chair! Did I mention that I did this by myself?

Monday we went to a good friend from work house to visit with her and her daughter and play with her baby. Her little guy was born around the same time Jack was due. It was a great afternoon and we all had a great visit. The boys sat and played together for hours and were both worn out that night!
Jack and another buddy!

Tuesday we went to Princeton to meet another baby and his mommy who were in the NICU at the same time as we were. Our babies are a week apart and are now almost the same size. We had a great lunch and chat, and our babies were amazingly well behaved! It was so good to talk with another mom who has all of the same feelings as I do about having our babies early. We have so much in common and it makes my heart sad that we live so far away. I think we would be really good friends and have many play dates with our boys. We then stopped by to see daddy at work and stopped by my parent's house for a quick bottle and diaper change.
Jack and his NICU buddy, they look like little old men out for coffee in the morning! They have both come a very long way since they were born!

Wednesday, Jack, my mom and I met my sister at IKEA. We had a great day together shopping and visiting. Jack was again amazingly well behaved and such a happy and giggly baby all day! We got lots of goodies for Jack including new bowls and cups, stacking cups for the tub and a non-slip alligator for the tub. We are just starting to use the tub for baths instead of the infant tub and Jack loves it. Anyway, we had a great day. We have not had a mom/daughter shopping day in a very long time. I miss those days and I miss my sister so much. She is so busy and going to get busier...she got accepted to grad school!
Fun in the tub with our new stuff from IKEA!

Thursday Jack needed to catch up on his sleep and I needed a little rest too. It was a pajama day and we spent a lot of time cuddling. Jack wasn't as happy as he had been the last couple of days. I though he was just tired, but he ended up having some kind of bug. It started with "spitting up" a whole bottle. I thought  he was just too active after his bottle, but then late in the afternoon he had some funny diapers. Of course I called his GI doctor and since he wasn't running a temp, they didn't seem concerned. So I tried to brush it off and we went to our swimming class. Jack was mellow, but up all night, so I was too.

Friday we recovered from Jack's bug and ordered out fish. Then I had some good therapy with a very good friend from college. She lives in South Dakota and we only see each other maybe once a year, but she related to me like no other. I paid the price for the cheap bottle of wine I drank over the phone with her the next morning!

Saturday we ran some errands, went for a walk on the canal and stopped for lunch. Fresh air and sunshine does the body good! We were all pooped out and crashed for two and a half hours! I woke up and hurried to get ready to go for a good friends surprise party. Matt stayed home with Jack since he was under the weather. I was feeling like I was coming down with Jack's bug, but went to the party with out my "wing man". I was home and to bed early. Both of our actual birthday's are coming up, so we will have plenty of time to celebrate!
This little boy would not leave his shoes alone! 

Sunday, today, I spent the morning making some baby food. Then we spent the whole afternoon outside. We went for a really long walk and stopped for ice cream. It was SO windy! All of us have pink cheeks and noses, a reminder to get some baby sunblock next time I am out and about! We played on the blanket in the yard when we got home and then my parent's came for a quick visit. Jack was putting on a show for them laughing, and smiling and being a curious, squirmy baby! I swear someone put a quarter in that kid. All signs that he is feeling better! He is now sleeping tight and Matt and I are enjoying the sounds of the storm rolling in.
Carrots with garlic powder...
Baked apples with cinnamon.
Just want to thank all the mom's that inspired me to make my own baby food. I love doing this for my little boy, it makes me so happy, and it really is very, very easy and does not take a lot of time or dishes!

Cool guys daddy and Jack.
Always so inquisitive.
Smiling with mommy.

Yes, we have been busy and are now feeling a little run down and paying the price with stuffy, runny noses and coughs. I think tomorrow will be another pajama day!

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