
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Double Digits

Wow! Where does the time go? Jack Matthew, you are ten months old! It was just yesterday when you were ten weeks old in the little old place we called the NICU! At ten months old, you have been through more in your life than I have ever imagined, however you are still oblivious to it all. You have an amazing spirit about you and are happier than anyone could ever imagine! There are not enough hours in the day or days in the week to spend with you and I am relishing every moment of your life.

Here is a little about you at ten months old...

Some swing action and fresh air!

First wagon ride with the neighbor!

Toast, it's what's for dinner.

What a guy!

Best Mother's Day ever!

Another day at the park.
My boys, another day watching the neighborhood from the front window.

Our first trip to the zoo together! Very humid in Africa apparently!

Dressed up for family dinner at Verucchi's!

Getting chunky from goldfish and pasta, yum!
  • You had a hospital stay of two nights for IV fluids and it was the worst thing ever, but I never left your side.
  • You started to eat finger food and you LOVE it! You are quite the little chow hound loving toast and gold fish the most, puffs are a favorite too. I put olive oil on anything I can to give you more fat and try to feed you the fattiest foods possible. You still need a little chunking up weighing in at 16 lbs 11 oz last weight check.
  • You still take two naps a day. We are finally on a wake up about 6:30 an go down for a nap about 9:30-11:00, then take an afternoon nap from about 2:00-4:00. We are very flexible about your naps. You sleep where ever you and when ever you are tired,
  • You love to swing outside! I stared taking you to various parks around town when we are out running errands as your reward for being such a good errand runner with me.
  • We are looking for! I still keep playing the lottery, so there still is a chance that I may get to stay home with you.
  • You follow the dog everywhere! You stretch your neck just to see him and you especially love it when he shakes and scratches his makes you giggle!
  • Everyone, and I mean everyone, comments on your red hair and big eyes!
  • They also think you are big for your age! Shocker!
  • You can stand all by yourself when you hold on to something. You stand in front of the window in the morning and you and Cooper watch the neighborhood wake up. You two are going to be great buddies.
  • You still have no teeth, but EVERYTHING goes in your mouth!
  • You just started to give kisses when mommy asks for one. They are open mouthed and slobbery, but I LOVE them and make you do it a hundred times a day! It amazes me that you can comprehend something! You are getting so smart!
  • You are not so much into reading books right now, but would rather eat them.
  • You wear 9 month clothes, but all of your warm weather clothes are 12 grow please, they are really cute!
  • You are long! You are going to be one tall string bean of a boy!
  • I still rock you to sleep, but you are not that into it lately. You would rather play with the quilt on the rocking chair or my face and glasses. I can put you into your crib and you go right to sleep.
  • You are off of your tube for four hours now! It's amazing! I can't wait until out next doctor appointment to see if you get another hour off. You are doing so well right now and I'm so proud of you!
  • You are not crawling yet, but you can kind of scootch backwards. I will not be surprised if you skip crawling and go right to walking.
  • You are amazingly happy and giggly. You laugh with your belly like Santa.
  • You are going to say something profound any day now. You say consonants with your paci in your mouth. Lot's of "ga ga" and lot's of grunting. It's pretty funny!
  • We took you to the Brookfield Zoo for your first time, they monkey house, and got you a gorilla Mold-A-Rama!
  • You are going to the doctor a lot less now. April was a rough month, but you are back on track. The neurologist said that he will discharge you in the fall! 
  • You have found your tube and love to chew on it! You bite so hard it kinks and alarms. It's a good thing you don't have teeth yet because you would bite right through that thing!

1 comment:

  1. You have a blog!!! Yeah!!! Me, too. What a fun way to look back and count one's blessings, huh?

    Your little man is so cute and sweet. Very kissable!

    I'm going to follow you.

    Here is my blog::
