Once again, my dear little Jack got sick. I feel like he has spent most all of April sick and it's driving me crazy. It is so hard to sit back and watch my little one be so sick and fade away to nothing. After many phone calls with Jack's doctors, he was admitted to the hospital for IV fluids and some lab work. He was so dehydrated and lethargic and his little eyes were sunken. I could tell when I held him that he had lost a considerable amount of weight, and he did. It was very hard for the nurses to get an IV in him because of the dehydration, but after almost four hours, fluids were started. Being in the hospital brings back so many feelings and worries. After two sleepless night and lots of conversations with out doctors, we got to go home. Oh home sweet home, how I missed you so, and I think Jack did too! The doctors again chalked this up to a virus, even though it was the third time he had had these symptoms. Yes, I'm still questioning this but, Jack is back to himself and is rapidly gaining weight...16lbs 10oz this morning, down only 2oz from his heaviest weight, yea! I took Jack to the park on our way home from the doctor to celebrate! We see out GI doctor later this week and I am hoping for another hour off of the tube, so please keep your fingers crossed for us!
After we recovered from our short hospital stay, we enjoyed some time outdoors. We spent all day Saturday outside starting with a hike, washing and waxing cars (thank you Matt) planting flowers, napping, swinging, and grilling out. It was a great, full day.
Even though we go hiking at Starved Rock and Mathesian on a fairly regular basis, it amazes me that we can always find new, beautiful things to enjoy!
I was looking for bluebells, but found this Jack-in-the-pulpit!
With my babies!
Jack as Bono.
Daddy and Jack at March for Babies.
Our job was to put purple bracelets on all of the March of Dimes walkers. We also helped with the memory wall.
All of the walkers and teams at the IV YMCA just before taking off for the 3 mile walk.
I love spring so much...the colors are so vibrant and the smells of blooming flowers and fresh cut grass are looming in the air. My neighbor has the most beautiful garden that she is able to keep blooming from early spring to late fall. There is always beautiful color at her house, so I decided to take advantage of it and use it for a photo shoot. I have a few other places that I have scoped out around town for some great photos...there is nothing I love more than babies and flowers!
Our neighbors lovely tulips and flowering tree.
Being Mr. Inquisitive with a leaf.
I think I have been inspired to plant some bulbs in the fall.
I love spring...
...and this happy little boy!
Cute pics of Jack in the flowers.