Back on the ventilator and moved to the more "critical" area of the NICU.
The glow behind us is another baby under the bili lights for jaundice babies.
I made Jack the Sox blankie as a surprise for his daddy!
This is how I spent my days. Holding my little baby all swaddled up tight so he could not get his hands out!
So we waited. During our waiting, we moved from the NICU we became very familiar with to the NICU which would become our home. Jack was on the ventilator for that move, but I trusted his nurses, respiratory therapists and all the medical staff to get him safely to his new room.
Safe and sound in his new, private, room!
Still cute as can be!
The orange tube coming out of his nose is his NG tube. That is how he received his formula.
While we were waiting for Jack to come off of the ventilator, he would occasionally self-extubate himself...that means he would pull the tube out of his mouth every so often. This was a big deal considering what happened when they couldn't get the tube in a few weeks back. But the respiratory therapist always told me that he did great off of the ventilator and they had no problems replacing the tube. After this happening more than enough times, the doctor, surgeon and respiratory therapist thought it would be a good idea to give Jack a trial with out the ventilator. He had been on the ventilator for about five weeks or so. I had planned a trip home, but cancelled to see how this trial would go...and it was a great success!!!!!!!!! He didn't even need any oxygen!!!!!!
Fresh off of the ventilator!
I think he was pretty happy not to have that tube down his throat any more!
No tube down the throat means we can now start bottle feedings! And you loved it!
Holding Jack was so much more enjoyable for both of us!
What a relief! The surgeon was amazed at what great success he had breathing on his own. And there were no signs of the stridor! I called the NICU constantly after this to keep checking on Jack and see how he was doing and how he was sounding. The week after Jack came off the ventilator was pretty stressful for me, but Jack did beautifully! I could now pick him up whenever I wanted to and place him back in his crib with ease. When Jack was on the vent, it took two people to place him in my arms and then I would sit, in one position, for hours, with tubes taped to my shoulder, it was very uncomfortable, but I would do anything to hold my sweet baby boy.
Oh what sweet relief for us! One less thing to worry about! We could all finally breathe a little more comfortably now. Now we were in our new NICU home, waiting for Jack's reconnect surgery.
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