
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I remember from pregnancy...Before pre-term labor started!

After walking the dog. 
I remember...
  • Eating lots of ice cream...Ben and Jerry's to be exact. Ottawa hospital would keep a pint in the fridge for me when I was admitted there!
  • Loving fruit...pineapple, melon, juice.
  • Pop-Tarts. OSF would toast them for me when I was admitted there!
  • Sleeping for the first three months. I was SO exhausted. I would get home from work, take a nap, and then be asleep for the night by 8:00!
  • Waking up one day from the first trimester fog and realizing that my grade book was in shambles!
  • Putting the dirty clothes right in the dryer, not the washer.
  • Forgetting to turn the crock pot on one morning.
  • Feeling really forgetting that I was pregnant good.
  • Heartburn. I went through so many tums!
  • No Pizza or fried food for this pregnant lady.
  • Loving every second of being pregnant. 
  • Sweets...doughnut's from the local gas station, chocolate milk, scotch-a-roo's!
  • Laying in bed in the morning and watching my belly move.
  • Baby hiccups.
  • Reading "What to Expect" and seeing how big baby was each week.
  • Egg sandwich on the way to work with extra banana peppers, yum!
  • The first time daddy felt you totally freaked him out, he jumped back in astonishment!
  • Mac and Cheese and all things dairy...I guess baby needed calcium!
  • Being excited to wear maternity clothes.
  • Not cooking, ever. And never being able to find anything good to eat.
  • Thinking "Why am I not puking my guts out?" and hoping everything was ok because I wasn't!
  • The dog loved to lay near me, and especially near my belly...more that usual, weird.
  • Loving the baby in my belly more and more each and every day.
  • Planning, and planning, and planning! Oh, how I love to plan!
  • Most importantly, LOVING being pregnant and day dreaming about labor and life with a new baby!
Loved this maternity outfit!
Thanks for the hand-me-down maternity know who you are!

It was getting way hot out...this is one of the last "belly shots" I took before I started bed rest.

I'm sure that I will remember more as this journey continues, but this is a good start.


    1. Great idea, Erin!! Looking forward to reading about all of Jack's milestones, antics, and witticisms!! Love you guys!

    2. so excited to follow your blog :)
